Saturday 15 December 2007

Cooking, Cab Rides and Taco Bell. . .

Well, it sure has been a busy weekend. Me and two of my friends got on a bus to Osan Army Garrision, which is pretty much the central hub for everything in the Seoul Area. It has a commisary (Army grocery store), PX (Army Wal*Mart), and an assortment of fine American cuisine. Including a Burger King, Baskin Robins, Manchu Wok, two seperate Popeye's Chicken and Biscuits and most importantly, Taco Bell.
So we had a great time grocery shopping (impulse buying) and bought roughly 120lbs worth of groceries. Which in retrospect was not such a bright idea, considering we had to carry it all up 3 flights of stairs to the third floor. But it was more than worth it, because we now regularly cook dinner for ourselves. Pork, spaghetti, steak, or whatever else we want. It's great, and I'm sure in time as our finesse with the spatula and spoon improve I'm sure it will only get better.

Here's a slideshow for the weekend, enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks good son, I beleive u can cook spaghetti sauce ther, but i have figured out a way to send you some. Tell me about ur living space how many bed rooms etc. I am glad u r enjoying taco bell, was that perogies I saw in ur stuff?