Monday 10 December 2007

My First Post from Korea

Hey everyone! This is my first post from Korea to share my experience on the Korean peninsula as a medic for the US Army. After being bounced around a bit, I've finally reached my final destination at a small airbase outside Seoul, called K-16. It sounds a lot cooler and Top Secret than it really is. In all truthfulness it's just a tiny little airstrip with some helicopters, a barbershop and a pizza hut. But it's my home for a year and I like it here so far. I'm also going to try and update photos regularly.


Anonymous said...

Hey Aje, Good Idea

ToniL said...

You look great and so does the store in the background. Good Idea! We will be able to know what is going on during your year in Korea.

fang said... it's you first impress of korea